Photo by Allan Mas

To be like children means acting with honesty, curiosity, and trust. Children believe and follow without a doubt. They show kindness, are not proud, and forgive quickly.

What does it mean to be like children? When we are trying to focus or trying to learn something, we tend to think like experts. However, we must also unlearn what we already know to learn something. To truly unlearn, adults must believe like children. Being like children means acting with honesty, curiosity, and trust. Children feel and follow without a doubt. They show kindness, are not proud, and forgive quickly. They don’t hold grudges and treat everyone the same. Children are full of wonder, always ready to learn. They don’t complicate things and ask simple questions. To be like children is to have a pure heart, be humble, and listen to those who teach good. It’s about being open and not pretending. Just as kids need guidance, being childlike means seeking advice and relying on those who care.

“Rockabye Jesus” by Teresa Haven Pelinski

” Rockabye Jesus,” by Teresa Haven Pelinski, is a touching kids’ book that highlights Jesus’s presence in the lives of young ones. It shows how Jesus keeps them safe and happy, even when they play. The stories paint Jesus as a caring, shield-like figure who soothes kids, gives wise advice, and listens attentively to their prayers.

The book motivates kids to pray and assures them that their prayers will get answered. Adorned with lovely pictures and uplifting stories, ” Rockabye Jesus ” is a precious resource for parents and educators, teaching kids vital lessons about love, empathy, and belief. It’s a delightful addition to any household or classroom collection.

Does Jesus Hear Children’s Prayers?

Yes, Jesus hears children’s prayers. He listens when kids talk to Him. Just like parents care about what children say, Jesus cares too. He knows their thoughts and feelings, even if they don’t say everything. When kids pray, Jesus is there, like a good friend. He’s always ready to listen and help, like a kind guide. So, children can talk to Jesus whenever they want, knowing He hears and understands them. It’s a special connection that brings comfort and love.

MATTHEW 18:3-5 (NIV)

And he said: “I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of Heaven; therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of Heaven. “And whoever welcomes a little child like this in my name welcomes me.

What Does Matthew 18:3 Mean?

Matthew 18:1–6 tells about Jesus’ unexpected response when the disciples ask who is the most important in Heaven. He brings a child to them and places the child in the middle. He says they must be like children to get into Heaven, meaning they should be humble and obedient. The most remarkable person is someone who becomes humble like this. If you welcome such childlike people in Jesus’ name, it’s like accepting Jesus. Jesus compares it to not leading his followers into doing wrong things, like drowning.

To Be Like Children, One Must Be Humble

Children are excited to discover new things, explore around them, and always ask questions like “why” and “how.” They’re like sponges, eager to learn. They want to understand everything, touch, and experience it themselves. With humility, they’re ready to soak up knowledge from parents and grown-ups.

Jesus meant this when he said, “Be like kids” and “Be as humble as a child.” We act the same way with God, saying, “Teach me, show me your ways.” We know we’re students; God is the teacher. Jesus also says We admit we don’t know everything and need God’s help and wisdom.

Like kids, we’re okay with being corrected. We want to please God and learn more about Him. We remember that God is the boss, just like kids know, their parents are in charge. We’re happy for God to be more significant, like John the Baptist said.

To Be Like Children, One Must Be Simple

A child’s faith is uncomplicated. They love openly and trust deeply. I remember my kids saying, “Daddy is the strongest!” They felt the same about God, saying, “Jesus is bigger than the world and can do anything!” Simple is clear. When Jesus says, “Be like a child,” He means to keep things simple. Don’t complicate salvation or faith. Just believe God loves us and sent Jesus for us. Trust like a child, focusing on His daily care.

With this, we look forward to Heaven, eager to be with our Father. Simple faith reminds us, “Seek things above,” as said in Colossians 3:1-4. Our life is hidden with Christ, and we’ll be with Him in glory.

Teresa Haven Pelinski is a Christian children's book author known for her works that convey spiritual themes and messages aimed at young readers. Born in Orangeburg, South Carolina, on August 23, 1960, Pelinski's writing often reflects her faith and inspires children through engaging narratives that highlight the presence of Jesus in their lives. Her notable books include "Rockabye Jesus," which tells the story of Jesus watching over children as they play, emphasizing safety and care, and "Rain from Heaven," which invites readers to explore the magic of rainy days.
Teresa Pelinski

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